

Romans 6:12-14

By |March 28th, 2018|Categories: Romans|

It is not a hopeless struggle in which the believer is engaged, but one in which victory is certain. Because God dwells outside of time, He often speaks to us in His [...]

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Romans 6:15-23

By |March 28th, 2018|Categories: Romans|

If you’re looking for a more precise theological explanation of what happened to you when you trusted Jesus, you cannot get any more precise than what’s set forth in Romans Chapter 6. [...]

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Romans 7:1-4

By |September 5th, 2018|Categories: Romans|

Jesus tells His disciples in the upper room discourse that He has left us with His PEACE, and that His Word has been given to us that our JOY would be made [...]

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Romans 7:5-25

By |September 5th, 2018|Categories: Romans|

In one of the most celebrated passages in the book of Romans, Paul expresses for us in Chapter 7 the absolute futility of having an ongoing relationship with the Lord that is [...]

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Romans 8:1-4

By |September 5th, 2018|Categories: Romans|

In Romans Chapter 8 we reach the very high peak of the giant theological mountain we call the Book of Romans. Paul brings his entire teaching on justification and sanctification now to [...]

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Romans 8:5-17

By |September 10th, 2018|Categories: Romans|

We’re not after a legal relationship with the Law, we’re pursuing a loving relationship with a person - Jesus, who has made us in the likeness of His own image. In Romans [...]

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