
Romans 15:17-29

2018-11-19T14:27:16-05:00November 19th, 2018|Romans|

With no cell phone, no GPS, no automobile, not even a bicycle, the Apostle Paul was a one-man wrecking crew in the world of first century missions.  Over the course of three missionary journeys, this man travelled over 10,000 miles and visited over 50 cities, and now here in our text proceeds [...]

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Romans 15:14-16

2018-11-13T14:44:27-05:00November 13th, 2018|Romans|

With the main body of the epistle behind him, having offered the church at Rome the full force of his admonition, Paul now turns and offers them his heart in what we call the postscript to this remarkable letter. And in this offering, Paul commends this congregation as a strong self-policing body [...]

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Romans 15:7-13

2018-11-13T14:34:09-05:00November 13th, 2018|Romans|

Next week we begin what we’re calling the “Postscript” to Romans, where Paul offers a few personal remarks and extended greetings, but this week we’re putting a wrap on the substantive part of this remarkable journey we’ve been on here in the book of Romans for the better part of a year [...]

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Romans 15:1-7

2018-11-01T16:47:51-05:00November 7th, 2018|Romans|

Paul resolves his teaching on Christian unity, by expressing explicitly that the goal of our love and harmony in the Church - it’s ultimate purpose is to make manifest the GLORY of God. And so Paul doesn’t limit his instruction to merely a set of moral platitudes extolling the virtue of right [...]

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Romans 14:13-23

2018-11-01T16:47:15-05:00November 6th, 2018|Romans|

The Apostle Paul charges strong believers to forego their rightful liberties in Christ where the exercise of such would bring offense to their weaker brothers. In doing so we discover we will win our weaker brothers over, that we might then nurture them unto strength. When strong and weak believers unite in [...]

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Romans 14:1-12

2018-11-01T16:46:46-05:00November 5th, 2018|Romans|

Paul addresses the matter of how we find UNITY given the multitude of personal convictions and preferences among believers in the body of Christ. And what Paul does for purposes of this remarkably profitable discussion, is he puts all believers in one of 2 camps. The Strong and the Weak. And how [...]

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Romans 13:8-14

2018-11-01T16:46:06-05:00November 4th, 2018|Romans|

In our final study in Chapter 13, Paul calls us to consider the incredible wealth that is already ours as Children of God, and the unspeakable inheritance that awaits us in glory. In startling imagery Paul calls the Church to AWAKEN from its slumber and consider the days in which we are [...]

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Romans 13:1-7

2018-11-01T16:44:43-05:00November 3rd, 2018|Romans|

In a hard-hitting Chapter, the Apostle Paul takes up the believer’s relationship to the human governing authorities established by God. Now as beneficial or corrupt or mismanaged as any system of human government is, God has established these temporary systems of authority in order to prop up this fallen humanity bent on [...]

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Romans 12:14-21

2018-11-01T16:43:59-05:00November 2nd, 2018|Romans|

In our final study in Romans 12, the Apostle Paul lays out for us what it looks like for the believer to mature in the Lord. Just as we grieve when our children don’t grow and hit certain developmental milestones, so our Heavenly Father grieves when His children don’t mature into the [...]

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