

Luke 7:18-35

By |September 26th, 2016|Categories: Luke|

In Luke Chapter 7 Jesus tells religious leaders that wisdom in known by her children.  In other words, the proof is in those who are walking upon the path that God has laid [...]

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Luke 7:36-50

By |October 3rd, 2016|Categories: Luke|

Join us this week for the 4th and final vignette in Luke Chapter 7, where Jesus meets a woman with faith, and a man without. And though the woman in this story get's [...]

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Luke 8:1-18

By |October 3rd, 2016|Categories: Luke|

Just one watermelon seed has been designed with the power to draw unto itself over 200,000 times its weight in coming to maturity, producing bountifully rich red fruits with beautiful green exteriors, each [...]

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Luke 8:19-39

By |October 17th, 2016|Categories: Luke|

Isn't it interesting that the only record of Jesus sleeping in the Gospels, is in a small boat in the midst of a fierce storm? The disciples wake him up in a frenzy, [...]

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Luke 8:40-56

By |October 17th, 2016|Categories: Luke|

Two worlds collide in our final story in Luke Chapter 8, and the contrast couldn’t be more pronounced, and yet poetically and beautifully deliberate. You have a wealthy man and a poor woman. [...]

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Luke 9:1-17

By |November 7th, 2016|Categories: Luke|

Several thousand people crash the disciples vacation there in Bethsaida, and they find themselves utterly unable to provide for several thousand hungry people.  This week in Luke Chapter 9, Jesus not only vividly [...]

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