

John 19:31-42

By |June 11th, 2013|Categories: John|

Blood and water came from the side of Jesus Christ as He was pierced on the Cross. In addition to fulfilling Messianic prophecies - we discover an incredible picture here filled with insight for those [...]

John 20:1-18

By |June 17th, 2013|Categories: John|

Coming now to Chapter 20, we come to the foundation that all of Christianity rests upon, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sadly, most Christians tend to neglect or forget the doctrine of the resurrection [...]

John 20:19-31

By |June 24th, 2013|Categories: John|

In part 2 of our study of Chapter 20, Jesus fills His disciples with the Holy Spirit, but Thomas misses the Church service! Tonight we discover a number of insightful instruction from the account of [...]

John 21:1-14

By |July 10th, 2013|Categories: John|

This has got to be among our top studies of all time! Join us for a wealth of insight and encouragement from our teacher John's favorite Chapter to teach from in all of the Gospels. [...]

John 21:15-25

By |July 22nd, 2013|Categories: John|

Join us for the explosive conclusion of our study of the Gospel according to John. In one of the most famous and equally insightful exchanges in the Gospels, Jesus commissions Peter to feed and protect [...]


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