
10 11, 2011

John 1:1-5

2016-12-13T11:13:35-05:00November 10th, 2011|Featured, John|0 Comments

Join us as we begin our study of the Gospel of John. While the other Gospels give us the history, John gives us the mystery! John has written this Gospel in order that we may know the person and works of Jesus, that He is the Christ, and that by believing in Him we may [...]

1 11, 2011

Acts 28

2022-01-24T17:06:59-05:00November 1st, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us for the riveting conclusion of the Book of Acts! The Lord shows us through the Apostle Paul, the kind of Character that a mature man or woman of God needs to draw the world to Jesus Christ. This lesson will no doubt convict your heart to move towards the kind of person the [...]

27 10, 2011

Acts 27

2022-01-24T17:06:42-05:00October 27th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us for one of the most exciting, dramatic and informative chapters in all of the New Testament, as we study the account of Paul's famous Shipwreck off the coast of Malta. The difference bewteen having no hope, and having great courage, is often the presence of one person who believes what the Lord has [...]

19 10, 2011

Acts 25-26

2022-01-24T17:06:20-05:00October 19th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us for a very unique edition of Verse By Verse, where we will really unpack this idea of free will, the greatest and yet most dangerous gift the Lord has given to all of humanity. That and so much more as the Apostle Paul sets the stage for his trip to Rome! Click here [...]

12 10, 2011

Acts 24

2022-01-24T17:05:00-05:00October 12th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us for an insightful study on a number of topics, including the sense of urgency that the Lord desires both believers and unbelievers alike to have, as it is eternity that is on the line. Acts 24 delivers a number of important lessons for all of us, no matter where you are upon your [...]

6 10, 2011

Acts 23

2022-01-24T17:04:37-05:00October 6th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us for perhaps the most encouraging study in the Book of Acts. The Lord comes alongside Paul and stands beside him, picks him up, and moves him into His will for his life - even after Paul had blown it big time! A fascinating picture of the heart of our God awaits you in [...]

30 09, 2011

Acts 22

2022-01-24T17:04:10-05:00September 30th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

The Apostle Paul is bound and determined to go to Jerusalem, despite the council of God's Spirit. Join us for a very interesting study concerning the Lord's will for your life, how we can swerve off that path, and what we can do to really hear God's voice in order that that doesn't happen to [...]

20 09, 2011

Acts 21

2022-01-24T17:03:49-05:00September 20th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Perhaps the most controversial chapter in the Book of Acts interpretively. Let's just say fans of the Apostle Paul do not want to miss this one! Come and get your Word on! Fantastic insight awaits concerning how we are to deal with those areas of strength God blesses us with! Get Word... Click here to [...]

16 09, 2011

Acts 20

2022-01-24T17:02:03-05:00September 16th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

We've seen Paul the Apologist; we've seen Paul the Evangelist... This week at VXV, we discover Paul the Pastor. Join us for the richest text in all the New Testament concerning the Lord's instructions for Church Leadership: Paul's sermon to the Ephesian Elders. Very very thick rich material here folks. Come get your Word on! [...]


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