Audio Podcasts

14 01, 2019

1 Peter 1:13b

2019-09-17T14:35:23-05:00January 14th, 2019|1 Peter|Comments Off on 1 Peter 1:13b

After celebrating the opulence of our future inheritance for 12 verses, Peter finally brings the first command to the table here in 1st Peter, and that command is this: To fix our HOPE completely on the GRACE that is to be revealed to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ. In other [...]

8 01, 2019

1 Peter 1:8-12

2019-09-17T14:35:32-05:00January 8th, 2019|1 Peter|Comments Off on 1 Peter 1:8-12

Is it not remarkable, having the full council of God's Word now, that we who are the least disciples of Christ are in a better position to understand revelation than the likes of Daniel and David and Isaiah? Is it not remarkable, that although the angels inhabit the eternal realm alongside the [...]

31 12, 2018

1 Peter 1:6-7

2019-09-17T14:35:41-05:00December 31st, 2018|1 Peter|Comments Off on 1 Peter 1:6-7

It is only the Christian that can lay his or her head on the pillow at night and rest, even in the distresses of this life.   Not only can we look BEYOND our distresses to this glorious inheritance waiting for us in Heaven, but Peter tells us this week that we can [...]

17 12, 2018

1 Peter 1:3-5

2019-09-17T14:35:51-05:00December 17th, 2018|1 Peter|Comments Off on 1 Peter 1:3-5

In this life we have grown up with the understanding that no matter how grand the thrill, it’s only a matter of time before it’ll wear out or wear off and we’ll be bored again.  And so we spend much of our time and energy and money trying to keep things from [...]

10 12, 2018

1 Peter Intro, 1:1-2

2019-09-17T14:36:13-05:00December 10th, 2018|1 Peter|Comments Off on 1 Peter Intro, 1:1-2

Join us this Sunday as we launch our new study in the epistle of 1st Peter.  If you are a child of God dealing with difficulty and heartache, this study will bring extraordinary encouragement to your soul.  You are not where you are in life by chance or happenstance, but you are [...]

26 11, 2018

Romans 15:30 – 16:27

2018-11-26T16:56:24-05:00November 26th, 2018|Romans|Comments Off on Romans 15:30 – 16:27

In our final study in the book of Romans, Paul lists over 35 individuals by name - citing them; commending them; recognizing them - just loving on several individual people there in the Church at Rome. What a fitting and beautiful and telling conclusion, that arguably the most powerful and profitable book [...]

19 11, 2018

Romans 15:17-29

2018-11-19T14:27:16-05:00November 19th, 2018|Romans|Comments Off on Romans 15:17-29

With no cell phone, no GPS, no automobile, not even a bicycle, the Apostle Paul was a one-man wrecking crew in the world of first century missions.  Over the course of three missionary journeys, this man travelled over 10,000 miles and visited over 50 cities, and now here in our text proceeds [...]

13 11, 2018

Romans 15:14-16

2018-11-13T14:44:27-05:00November 13th, 2018|Romans|Comments Off on Romans 15:14-16

With the main body of the epistle behind him, having offered the church at Rome the full force of his admonition, Paul now turns and offers them his heart in what we call the postscript to this remarkable letter. And in this offering, Paul commends this congregation as a strong self-policing body [...]

13 11, 2018

Romans 15:7-13

2018-11-13T14:34:09-05:00November 13th, 2018|Romans|Comments Off on Romans 15:7-13

Next week we begin what we’re calling the “Postscript” to Romans, where Paul offers a few personal remarks and extended greetings, but this week we’re putting a wrap on the substantive part of this remarkable journey we’ve been on here in the book of Romans for the better part of a year [...]

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