Audio Podcasts

30 09, 2019

Jonah 1:17-2:10

2019-09-30T11:27:06-05:00September 30th, 2019|Jonah|Comments Off on Jonah 1:17-2:10

Some people believe their lives are little more than a series of events strung together by random chance and feel their lives ride on luck.  Others believe their lives are controlled by other people and see themselves as victims. Others believe they are in control of their own lives and see themselves [...]

30 09, 2019

Jonah 1:5-16

2019-09-30T11:22:30-05:00September 30th, 2019|Jonah|Comments Off on Jonah 1:5-16

We launch our new study of the Book of Jonah! Far from the story of just a prophet and a fish, this is the story of the breathtaking sovereignty of an all-powerful God in moving heaven and earth and history  -  just to go after and rescue one single believer running in [...]

16 09, 2019

Jonah 1:1-5

2019-09-30T11:22:20-05:00September 16th, 2019|Jonah|Comments Off on Jonah 1:1-5

We launch our new study of the Book of Jonah!  Far from the story of just a prophet and a fish, this is the story of the breathtaking sovereignty of an all-powerful God in moving heaven and earth and history  -  just to go after and rescue one single believer running in [...]

9 09, 2019

A Biblical Church

2019-09-16T16:14:50-05:00September 9th, 2019|Stand Alone|Comments Off on A Biblical Church

In this timely and pointed study, we take a look at what God's Word has to say regarding the hallmark's of a healthy, Biblical church. Download MP3 Podcast

5 09, 2019

2 Peter 3:8-18

2019-09-17T14:29:00-05:00September 5th, 2019|2 Peter|Comments Off on 2 Peter 3:8-18

Join us for the riveting conclusion of our study of Second Peter, where we tackle the timing of God as He is working in our lives, confront Peter’s blistering summary of the end of the ages, and then marvel as pastor John gives us a compelling snapshot of the glorious realities that [...]

28 08, 2019

2 Peter 3:1-7

2019-09-17T14:29:07-05:00August 28th, 2019|2 Peter|Comments Off on 2 Peter 3:1-7

In part 1 of our 2-part study in Chapter 3, we’re instructed in the base foolishness of those arguments seeking to mock and discredit the return of Christ, while at the same time discovering just how intelligent the Christian faith is. Peter takes an apologetic turn in defending the Creation and the [...]

19 08, 2019

2 Peter 2:17-22

2019-09-17T14:29:17-05:00August 19th, 2019|2 Peter|Comments Off on 2 Peter 2:17-22

Peter completes his teaching on false teachers in our final study in Chapter 2.  This week, Peter tells us that these men bring false promises, that they offer a false freedom, that they themselves are false believers, and that they have had a false religious experience, never having experienced the new birth [...]

12 08, 2019

2 Peter 2:10-16

2019-09-17T14:29:37-05:00August 12th, 2019|2 Peter|Comments Off on 2 Peter 2:10-16

The Apostle Peter’s torrent of fury against false teachers reaches its zenith in the text this week. And as difficult as this text gets, we must recognize that its author is the Spirit of God Himself; Peter is just the human instrument. What we are discovering here is the furious love of [...]

7 08, 2019

2 Peter 2:4-9

2019-09-17T14:29:48-05:00August 7th, 2019|2 Peter|Comments Off on 2 Peter 2:4-9

From ancient to present, one of the cries of the believer has always been “Oh Lord how long?”  As we look around at our world spinning out of control, it’s very easy for us in our limited understanding to question the timetable upon which God operates.  But to the Lord, a day [...]

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