14 02, 2012

John 4:1-18

2016-12-13T11:13:04-05:00February 14th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

We all know the story of the Good Samaritan, well tonight we begin the story of the Bad Samaritan, aka "the woman at the well." Tonight John's Gospel affords us tremendous practical insight in evangelism, as we study Christ's brilliant and skillful maneuvering through one the most interesting conversations in the New Testament! Click here [...]

10 02, 2012

John 3:22-36

2016-12-13T11:13:09-05:00February 10th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Jesus leaves Jerusalem and heads out to the Judean countryside with his Disciples, where we find John the Baptist still hammering away. Join us for an application rich study tonight as we wrap up John Chapter 3. Find out how God orders your steps and reveals to you His will for your life! Click here [...]

31 01, 2012

John 3:16-21

2016-12-13T11:13:14-05:00January 31st, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

In this lesson, we look at the most famous verse in the Word of God, John 3:16. And in 25 words or less, our heavenly Father shares His heart, His will, and His plan for you and me. John teaches us that the Father has totally given Himself over to the pursuit of you and [...]

25 01, 2012

John 3:1-15

2016-12-13T11:13:18-05:00January 25th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

It's "Nic at Nite" at Verse by Verse tonight! In one of the best known Chapters in the Bible, Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night to discover the truth about the Kingdom of God. Join us for the first of 3 studies in John Chapter 3, one of the most important Chapters in all of [...]

20 01, 2012

John 2:12-25

2016-12-13T11:13:18-05:00January 20th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Join us for the riveting conclusion to John Chapter 2, as John shows the difference between "saving faith" and "false faith." Every time the Jewish leaders asked Christ for a sign, the only sign they were told they would get is the resurrection. Sadly, there are too many Christians today engaged in the unbiblical pursuit [...]

12 01, 2012

John 2:1-11

2016-12-13T11:13:23-05:00January 12th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Join us for the first of seven miracles recorded in the Gospel of John! Jesus attends a wedding and turns 150 gallons of water into wine! That ought to keep the party going! Chapter 2 presents us with a stunning picture of God's provision for a cold and hard and empty heart. Don't miss this [...]

16 12, 2011

John 1:35-51

2016-12-13T11:13:28-05:00December 16th, 2011|Featured, John|0 Comments

Join us for the final installment in John Chapter 1, where John shows us how intimately Christ deals with each one of us as individuals. The Word of God puts forth very striking and insightful object lessons in Christ's intimacy with his first disciples. We're also able to discover the amazing thing about John the [...]

11 12, 2011

John 1:19-34

2016-12-13T11:13:30-05:00December 11th, 2011|John|0 Comments

John teaches us that simply talking about Christ ushers His presence directly into our lives. Join us for this and so much more in a riveting study in John Chapter 1 - where John the Baptist will say "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." This study concludes with [...]

4 12, 2011

John 1:14-18

2016-12-13T11:13:32-05:00December 4th, 2011|Featured, John|0 Comments

The Apostle John teaches us that Christ has within His storehouse, unlimited resources - an inexhaustible supply from which He desires to meet our needs! And as we simply come to Him, we discover we are dispensed with "Grace Upon Grace" (John 1:16). Not only are God's mercies new every morning, but tonight we discover [...]


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