24 04, 2012

John 7:1-13

2016-12-13T11:12:35-05:00April 24th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Jesus shows us the difference between faith and presumption, what it means to walk in God's timing, and so much more in our first study in John 7. We're also going to be challenged to bring a sense of urgency to the table concerning our witness to the lost. Join us and be prepared to [...]

20 04, 2012

John 6:49-71

2016-12-13T11:12:36-05:00April 20th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Join us for the riveting conclusion to our 3 part study of John Chapter 6. Jesus lays it all on the line, and shows us He is more interested in the quality of His relationships than the quantity. Once they come to understand what following Christ is all about, thousands of His disciples leave Him, [...]

10 04, 2012

John 6:28-48

2016-12-13T11:12:37-05:00April 10th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Join us for part 2 of our 3 part study of John 6, where Christ is laying it all on the line, telling us what Biblical Christianity is all about. Tonight's focus - the critical Doctrine of Salvation. What does it mean? Can I lose it? How do I maintain it? Do I have to [...]

6 04, 2012

John 6:1-27

2016-12-13T11:12:41-05:00April 6th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

In John Chapter 6, Christ lays it on the line and tells just what Biblical Christianity is all about. Join us for part 1 in a 3 part study in John Chapter 6, a very timely message for the Church today. Tonight, John shows us that if we will receive Christ willingly, and bring forth [...]

22 03, 2012

John 5:31-47

2016-12-13T11:12:46-05:00March 22nd, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Join us as Jesus wraps up His defense before the Jewish Leaders in stunning fashion. Christ teaches us that we can go to the Word with the wrong heart, and never hear the voice of God! Come and hear timeless instruction from the very mouth of Christ Himself on this and so many other critical [...]

13 03, 2012

John 5:17-30

2016-12-13T11:12:51-05:00March 13th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Bible scholars herald this section in John Chapter 5 as one of the most important in the Bible, and for good reason! In it we find instruction on the nature and person of Christ from the mouth of Jesus Himself! Join us as we set our sights tonight on knowing Christ better. Jesus offers 7 [...]

9 03, 2012

John 5:1-16

2016-12-13T11:12:56-05:00March 9th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

The Gospel writer John gives us a stunning picture of Christ singling out and healing those crippled in sin. Join us for a fantastic study affirming the Power of Christ to conquer whatever it is in your life. "Rise - get up - and walk" is the clarion to call to all believers who will [...]

28 02, 2012

John 4:40-54

2016-12-13T11:12:57-05:00February 28th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Join us for the final installment in John Chapter 4. Tonight we discover that Jesus allowed the Word of God to direct His ministry, and He teaches us about the faith of those seeking signs and wonders. John brings us very powerful and relevant insight in a very timely study! Click here to download podcast [...]

21 02, 2012

John 4:19-39

2016-12-13T11:13:02-05:00February 21st, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Christ closes the deal with the "Woman at the Well", and then she closes the deal in her whole village! Join us for our second study in John Chapter 4, where we will discover among other things, what it REALLY means to worship in spirit and in truth! Now playing at VXV, John 4:19-39. Click [...]


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