10 07, 2012

John 9:1-12

2016-12-13T11:12:12-05:00July 10th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

John Chapter 9 brings us a very rich study, as VXV tackles one of the toughest questions facing Christianity: "Why do the innocent suffer?" Join us for part 1 of our study of John 9 for this issue and so many more, inculding divine healing, spiritual blindness, and an absolutely incredible picture of the Gospel! [...]

9 07, 2012

John 8:48-59

2016-12-13T11:12:14-05:00July 9th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Jesus hides himself from those who are full of themselves. He hides Himself and His truth from those who have no real interest in the truth, and from those who think they've got their act together. And yet God will make Himself available to any person who is sincerely interested in knowing Him. Join us [...]

25 06, 2012

John 8:30-42

2016-12-13T11:12:19-05:00June 25th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Jesus shows us the mark of true discipleship. If you are a Disciple of Jesus Christ, then you are one who continues in His Word. Christ tells us the fruit of continuing in His Word, is that we will know the truth. And the fruit of knowing the truth, is that the power of God [...]

13 06, 2012

John 8:12-29

2016-12-13T11:12:21-05:00June 13th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Tonight at VXV, Christ goes after the self-righteousness of the religious leaders with a fervor, and teaches us that self righteousness within us can disable us from being able to speak into the lives of other believers, and totally cut us off from receiving insight and revelation from the Lord. Join us for the 2nd [...]

8 06, 2012

John 8:1-11

2016-12-13T11:12:24-05:00June 8th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

In Chapter 8 we come now to one of the most well known stories in all the New Testament, the story of "the woman caught in adultery." Join us for a rich study that shows us the perfect balance of grace and holiness, and challenges us to recognize the difference between conviction and condemnation. Get [...]

22 05, 2012

John 7:40-53

2016-12-13T11:12:25-05:00May 22nd, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

In our final study in John Chapter 7, the Truth of Christ is put to test the hearts of men. God has made a habit in His Word to use the foolish things to confound the wise, and the weak things to confound the mighty, so that no flesh may glory in His presense. Join [...]

16 05, 2012

John 7:37-39

2016-12-13T11:12:26-05:00May 16th, 2012|Featured, John|Comments Off on John 7:37-39

"Deep calls unto deep at the roaring of your waterfalls" (Psalm 42:7). Join us for a striking lesson in one of the most powerful declarations Christ brought forth in the Gospel of John. The timing and depth of this incredible declaration will floor your heart - as we seek to know our great and majestic [...]

9 05, 2012

John 7:24-36

2016-12-13T11:12:31-05:00May 9th, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Jesus teaches in the Temple, and the town of Jerusalem is divided. Many of the Jews in Jesus' day did not allow the Scriptures to inform their positions. And because of that, they missed their Messiah. Tonight at VXV, John shows us how we are not to go to the Word of God to support [...]

2 05, 2012

John 7:14-23

2016-12-13T11:12:32-05:00May 2nd, 2012|Featured, John|0 Comments

Join us as Christ takes on the religious right in Jerusalem, and shows us the striking contrast between religion and the Gospel. Jesus teaches in the Temple, and the ruling elite cannot understand how an "uneducated" carpenter speaks with such power and eloquence. Christ shows us that serving God is not about WHAT you know, [...]


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