Yearly Archives: 2011

10 03, 2011

Acts 6

2022-01-24T16:54:19-05:00March 10th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Though the shortest Chapter in the Book of Acts, Chapter 6 is one of the most important Chapters for the Body of Christ today. The Lord brings over the top encouragement to you and me, speaks of the importance of doing what God created you to do, and introduces Stephen to us - who shows [...]

2 03, 2011

Acts 5

2022-01-24T16:53:57-05:00March 2nd, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Ananias & Sapphira learn the lesson that Hypocrisy kills. Join us as God sets the Standard for His Church concerning hypocrisy, and Peter & John and the rest of the Apostles experience the 1st of 3 divine jailbreaks in the Book of Acts. Signs and wonders abound, yet Peter sticks hard to the simple message [...]

23 02, 2011

Acts 4

2022-01-24T16:53:34-05:00February 23rd, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Having walked now in the miraculous, the brand new Church faces it's first opposition - and yet empowered by the Spirit, boldly and courageously confronts the Sanhedrin. Luke records for us tremendous insight in how the Church is to respond to and pray under opposition. Join us as God brings both powerful and practical application [...]

18 02, 2011

Acts 3

2022-01-24T16:53:06-05:00February 18th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Luke records the Early Church's first miracle, and gives us tremendous insight into how we can position ourselves in such a way that allows the Hand of the Lord to move in powerful and miraculous ways in our lives! Luke shows us how Peter and John had introduced into their lives 6 keys that created [...]

9 02, 2011

Acts 2 pt. 2

2022-01-24T16:52:40-05:00February 9th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us for the conclusion of Acts Chapter 2, where Luke records for us the birth and explosion of the Early Church! Tonight we discover why the early Church had such great power to literally take the Roman Empire by storm. An interesting and yet convicting study at Verse by Verse! Click here to download [...]

5 02, 2011

On Fire For God – Acts 2, Part 1

2016-12-13T11:13:47-05:00February 5th, 2011|Blog|0 Comments

"On fire for God". I've heard this phrase many times as a Christian, but I've recently gained a whole new perspective on it. So what does it mean? Well, before studying Acts chapter two, I always thought it simply meant “excited about God”. That's definitely true, there's no doubt that a person who is “on [...]

3 02, 2011

Acts 2 pt. 1

2022-01-24T16:52:19-05:00February 3rd, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Witness the birth of the Church in Acts Chapter 2 - where the Holy Spirit is poured out in a mighty way upon the Disciples. Join us for the spark that caused the flame of the Gospel to rip through Asia, and hear a lively exposition on the Gift of Tongues in tonight's edition of [...]

26 01, 2011

Acts 1 pt. 2

2022-01-24T16:51:50-05:00January 26th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

In Part 2 of our Study of Acts Chapter 1, Luke shows us that Prayer and Unity are the two ingredients that really prepare believers to experience a powerful move of God. Luke also records for us insight into how we can miss God's best by getting ahead of Him, and gives us in the [...]

20 01, 2011

His Presence – Acts 1, Part 1

2016-12-13T11:13:50-05:00January 20th, 2011|Blog|0 Comments

“During the forty days after his crucifixion, he appeared to the apostles from time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive. And he talked to them about the Kingdom of God.” - Acts 1:3 I am ruined by His presence. It's not always like this. Normally I'm [...]

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