Yearly Archives: 2011

18 05, 2011

Acts 14

2022-01-24T16:59:56-05:00May 18th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Acts 14 puts a wrap on Paul's 1st Missionary Journey. Did Paul die when he was stoned at Lystra? Could this be what Paul spoke of in 2nd Corinthians 12 when he says he was caught up into heaven? An amazing study that true Bible Students do not want to miss! Join us for wonderful [...]

11 05, 2011

Acts 13 pt.2

2022-01-24T16:59:35-05:00May 11th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us for the exciting conclusion to Acts 13, featuring the first recorded sermon of the Apostle Paul. Paul and Barnabas storm the Island of Cyprus with the Gospel on the Apostles' first missionary journey, and show us that God never shuts one door, but where he doesn't open another. Tremendous personal and practical lessons [...]

4 05, 2011

Acts 13 pt.1

2022-01-24T16:59:13-05:00May 4th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Beginning in Chapter 13, the Lord begins to use the Church at Antioch, because the Church at Jerusalem had not stepped into God's plan for them. The Work of God will go forward with or without us, and now the Church at Antioch sends Paul out on his first missionary journey. Join us for part [...]

27 04, 2011

Acts 12

2022-01-24T16:58:51-05:00April 27th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Tonight in Acts 12, the enemy tries to destroy the Church by taking out it's leaders. And yet the Church just persists in consistent and fervent prayer that activates the Will of God to swing into action! Come and study with us the kind of prayer that moved God to send an Angel to break [...]

20 04, 2011

Acts 11

2022-01-24T16:58:22-05:00April 20th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Peter is obedient to the Lord, but his brothers grill him over breaking the Church rules. In Peter's defense before the Church leaders, the Holy Spirit furnishes us with four very practical ways we can use to stay dead center in the middle of God's will for our lives. Join us for a fantastic study [...]

13 04, 2011

Acts 10

2022-01-24T16:55:53-05:00April 13th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us as God kicks open the door to the Gentiles in fantastic fashion here in Acts 10. God gives visions to both Cornelius and Peter in this pivotal chapter in the history of the Church. The Lord gave Peter the Keys to the Kingdom, but before he's able to open the door to the [...]

6 04, 2011

Acts 9

2022-01-24T16:55:30-05:00April 6th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us for the Conversion of Saul of Tarsus - who will become the Great Apostle Paul. Saul, the fierce persecutor of the Church, finds himself hunted down by the Hounds of Heaven. The Predator has become the Prey; the Hunter has become the Hunted, in this fascinating account of one of the greatest men [...]

23 03, 2011

Acts 8

2022-01-24T16:55:09-05:00March 23rd, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us in Chapter 8 for the tale of four men - Saul of Tarsus, Philip the Evangelist, Simon the Sorcerer and The Ethiopian Eunich. The Lord uses Saul's persecution to spread the Gospel - Philip shows us yet again that the Lord rocks ordinary guys - Simon thinks he's awesome until he sees the [...]

16 03, 2011

Acts 7

2022-01-24T16:54:43-05:00March 16th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Stephen lowers the boom in the most powerful and famous sermon in the New Testament epistles - "Stephen's Defense before the Sanhedrin." This famous sermon was delivered by just an ordinary servant of the Lord, not some high and mighty leader. Powerful lessons abound in tonight's study - including an incredibly comforting teaching on what [...]

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