Yearly Archives: 2011

6 10, 2011

Acts 23

2022-01-24T17:04:37-05:00October 6th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us for perhaps the most encouraging study in the Book of Acts. The Lord comes alongside Paul and stands beside him, picks him up, and moves him into His will for his life - even after Paul had blown it big time! A fascinating picture of the heart of our God awaits you in [...]

30 09, 2011

Acts 22

2022-01-24T17:04:10-05:00September 30th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

The Apostle Paul is bound and determined to go to Jerusalem, despite the council of God's Spirit. Join us for a very interesting study concerning the Lord's will for your life, how we can swerve off that path, and what we can do to really hear God's voice in order that that doesn't happen to [...]

20 09, 2011

Acts 21

2022-01-24T17:03:49-05:00September 20th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Perhaps the most controversial chapter in the Book of Acts interpretively. Let's just say fans of the Apostle Paul do not want to miss this one! Come and get your Word on! Fantastic insight awaits concerning how we are to deal with those areas of strength God blesses us with! Get Word... Click here to [...]

16 09, 2011

Acts 20

2022-01-24T17:02:03-05:00September 16th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

We've seen Paul the Apologist; we've seen Paul the Evangelist... This week at VXV, we discover Paul the Pastor. Join us for the richest text in all the New Testament concerning the Lord's instructions for Church Leadership: Paul's sermon to the Ephesian Elders. Very very thick rich material here folks. Come get your Word on! [...]

31 08, 2011

Acts 19

2022-01-24T17:01:44-05:00August 31st, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us for a wild ride in Acts 19. Paul tackles the Castle of Darkness that is Ephesus. We've got miracles, tongues, Spirit Baptism, magic prayer cloths, bogus exorcists, talking demons, idol burnings, riots - you name it. The Word is bringing the crazy tonight! Don't miss this one! Click here to download podcast Click [...]

25 08, 2011

Acts 18

2022-01-24T17:01:21-05:00August 25th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

For the first time in our study of Acts - we find the Apostle Paul afraid, frozen by fear. Join us for a super practical study on fear and so much more as we wrap up our study of Paul's 2nd Missionary Journey tonight at VXV! Click here to download podcast Click here to download [...]

18 08, 2011

Acts 17

2022-01-24T17:01:01-05:00August 18th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Tonight, Paul let's us know there is a higher class; a better class of believer in the Body of Christ. And they are those who come to the Word of God with eagerness, searching the Scriptures daily to see if what they're being taught lines up with the Bible! Join us for this and so [...]

10 08, 2011

Acts 16

2022-01-24T17:00:40-05:00August 10th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

If you were lied about, stripped naked, beaten, and thrown into a dungeon knee deep in human waste, would you praise God? Join us tonight in Acts 16 to find out how and why Paul and Silas did just that! Click here to download podcast Click here to download study guide

3 08, 2011

Acts 15

2022-01-24T17:00:17-05:00August 3rd, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Luke gives us ringside seats to the Church's first Council at Jerusalem, where the Lord shows us how we are to discern His will in the middle of difficult emotional situations - something we could all use no doubt! Join us for some super practical insight from the Word of God as we kick off [...]

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